Lead Water Pipe Replacement

It’s the responsibility of the homeowner to replace lead pipes within the boundary of the property and whilst it’s not a legal requirement to replace them, over time lead from these old style pipes can get into your drinking water and potentially damage your health.
How to find out if you have lead water pipes
If your house was built in or after 1970, you shouldn’t have lead pipes. If your house is older than that, you might need to check as it has never been a legal requirement to replace lead pipes in homes built before 1970.
To check if you have lead pipes, find where the mains water pipe enters your property (it’s usually under your kitchen sink, in the downstairs toilet or under the stairs). If it is not a blue plastic pipe there’s a good chance it may be lead.
Why replace lead pipes?
Lead is a toxic metal and although the water you drink will be treated by your local water authority, small amounts of lead find their way into the water supply which can cause a number of health issues.
Whose responsibility is it to replace lead pipes?
You are responsible for all pipes on your property – including internal pipes and the underground supply pipe that connects your home to the public water mains.
Do you have poor water pressure and flow?
Regardless of the water pressure in the mains your lead supply may be restricting both the pressure and flow of water to your property. This is often due to the restricted bore of lead pipes.
How do you replace your lead pipes?
We can replace your lead water supply with a new plastic service from the highway boundary into your home with the minimum disturbance using trenchless moling equipment, giving you high flow and pressure and clean water.
What is the Lead Replacement Scheme?
The Lead Replacement Scheme can help you to install new pipes. Replacement is quick, easy and could be one of the most important things you do for you and your family. The process starts with submitting an application to your regional water authority.